20 Reasons Why Sobriety is Trending

Me in Outer Banks, NC, September 2015, 4 years sober.

Me in Outer Banks, NC, September 2015, 4 years sober.

May 2017 

Have y’all noticed that sobriety is totally trending?? Not drinking and not using drugs is becoming something the “cool” kids are doing. Not that you need to do what the cool kids are doing, but hey, it's worth checking it out to see for yourself. People are choosing to abstain not because they are “alcoholics” or have hit a deep and desperate bottom (but if you are and if you've been getting The Call to try sobriety for a while now, read this), but because they just simply feel better, freer, and more alive without alcohol in their system. PEOPLE JUST FEEL BETTER WITHOUT IT. Period. Exclamation point. Plain and simple. Who doesn't want to feel better?

We know that alcohol is a poisonous and toxic substance, but since it’s socially acceptable and encouraged, it seems much of society is simply turning their heads the other way of this fact. Consuming just a little bit of a poisonous toxic substance is still going to wreak some form of havoc on our bodies, minds, and spirits. This is what we’re doing when we imbibe on even just a single serving of ethanol. 

More people are choosing the sober/alcohol-free/dry life to enjoy more vibrant health, to be more conscious in their relationships, to experience life, in all it’s beautiful madness, without a numbing agent. Because-newsflash-we don’t need a numbing agent to experience life. Reality is drug enough.

And being awake for life without the influence of drugs and alcohol is the coolest choice you can make. This list is in no particular order and it is most certainly not exhaustive. The side effects of not consuming alcohol & drugs may include: 

1. vanity purposes: better skin, brighter eyes, less wrinkles, healthier hair & nails, no bloat & puffiness. Sobriety is the anti-aging solution. 

2. our internal system: our organs, brain, and central nervous system will work much better & more efficiently. Sobriety is basically preventative medicine. 

3. exercise will be easier, and the body will be stronger and recover quicker.

4. the ability to more thoroughly enjoy natural highs, these right here

5. less depression and less anxiety. Alcohol actually amplifies these mental states and other mental health issues. 

6. sound decision-making skills that have not been influenced by even a drop of intoxication. Also a clearer conscious.

7. a more regulated sleep cycle. better sleep = better life. 

8. follow-through on goals.

9. dreams that get actualized.

10. better sex. 

11. moods that don’t swing nearly as much.

12. more control of what you say, think, do, and feel.

13. more alignment of what you say, think, do, feel.

14. smarter: sharper cognitive skills, better memory.

15. higher creativity. I promise. 

16. getting to “be the change” and inspire others to follow their own truth. More on that here.

17. no more hangovers, ever again.

18. probably no more shameovers either.

19. much better, balanced, conscious relationships.

20. authentic feelings of joy, confidence, connection, as opposed to alcohol-manufactured ones.

So if you're sitting there thinking that sobriety makes you a weirdo outcast, think again. There's a whole entire tribe of us living our absolute greatest lives because of our sobriety. Join us. It is the way of the future. It is the way of the now. For our health and our happiness, our sanity and stability, our insides and our outsides.

I wouldn't trade mine for anything in the world.