A Few (17) Things I am LOVING lately

17 Things I Am Loving Lately.PNG

March 2019

This is probably maybe the first time I've ever done a list like this (and this is my first blog post in FOREVERRRR and a day), where I just tell you some of my favorite things—like I'm Oprah or something ;) I felt super called though. I dreamt it and then woke up buzzing & needing to tell you all the things im obsessed with as of late.  

I am just loving so many things recently and I want to share them all with you!  Sharing the things we love just makes life so much fun. 

K, so...

1. this memoir. almost no words for this. been reading it at night before bed and it is exquisite. 

2. finding a hot yoga studio in LA that reminds me of home. 

3. hot lemon water in the AM. and decaf. Calm magnesium in the PM. 

4. this book. for anyone who wants to take their life to the next level. HOLY SHIFT. 

5. dry brushing before my shower. i use this one. it helps detox the body, improve circulation, and it feels so good on my skin. said to be the "juice cleanse of the beauty world." you might opt for the one with the long handle!

6. Vetiver essential oil. I simply loveee the scent. 

7. My stuffed animal sloth. Don't ask me to explain why but it makes my inner child very very happy. 

8. memes and social media accounts that make me laugh. 

9. polling facebook for lots of random opinions. entertaining AF.

10. dancing in the morning as part of my morning routine. especially to this song. just asking what my soul needs/wants to do today? Sometimes it's dancing, sometimes it's 3 pages of journaling and EFT and meditation, sometimes it's a cold shower and swift kick in the ass. Have you ever tried a cold shower? They give INSANE benefits

11. Anything by Joe Dispenza. He's a legend. But start with this video. 

12. My friend Ally who I just met IRL from online, sent me a video of her playing classical piano. She improvises, meaning she just sits down and starts playing her own songs. This one is called 'Rebelliously Me.' It is INCREDIBLE! she is such a beautiful and gifted songwriter.

13. This workbook. I'm almost done and it's been one hell of a transformative process of creative recovery. highly highly recommend. get a buddy to do it with. couldn't do it without my bestie.

14. living in Venice, CA for the last 2 months. Venice is the coolest little pocket of LA. It is artsy and eclectic and boho chic and progressive. 

14. this show on amazon video. funny. irreverent. relatable.

15. my parents. they are cute. and a couple weeks ago when I fell and injured my foot and couldn't walk for a few days and was being super dramatic about it, they checked up on me a lot. 

16. radical self-compassion. radical self-compassion. 

17. Mel Robbins' 5 second rule. procrastination be gone!

I bet I could go on, but for now, this'll do. Do you like this kind of list? I may do more of them! Maybe like a weekly thing.

I hope wherever this finds you, you take a moment to appreciate yourself and how far you've come. If you're reading this, you're alive and breathing and probably just also a really amazing human who deserves lots of hugs. I hope you get them. <3

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My darkest moments cracked me open and led me here. I can’t think of anything better than to spend my life helping people heal and remember their innate wholeness. My story.

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